7 eggs, separated
1 cup sugar, divided
1/2 cup matzo cake meal
1 cup ground almonds
1/4 cup sweet Passover wine
(or sweetened grape juice)
powdered sugar

     Separate eggs.  Beat whites until stiff peaks form, then 
     add 1/2 cup sugar.  In separate bowl, beat yolks with 
     1/2 cup sugar until light and creamy.  Add wine, matzo 
     cake meal, and nuts.  Fold egg whites into egg yolk 
     mixture and pour into an ungreased 10 " tube pan.

     Bake at 325* for 60-75 minutes.  Remove from oven and
     invert pan -- hang upside down on soda or ketchup 
     bottle -- until cool.  Remove from pan and dust cake 
     with powdered sugar.

     Makes 12-16 servings.


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Background:  "Moses in Battle with the Amalekites"
from Illuminations: Arthur Szyk's Haggadah, Library of Congress