4 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
3 oz. almonds
2 tbs. potato starch
1 tsp. baking powder

Ice cream (vanilla Breyer's is best)
fresh berries (without extra sugar) -- 
whole raspberries, sliced strawberries, and whole blueberries
make an excellent combination

Beat eggs and sugar well, about 10 minutes.

Grind almonds, removing the skins if you prefer, but it's not necessary.

Mix the dry ingredients together and then carefully add to the egg-sugar mixture.

Pour the batter into a jelly roll pan or a broiler pan covered with baking paper.

Bake at 400 degrees in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes.

Sprinkle sugar on another piece of parchment paper and flip the hot cake on this.

Remove the first paper.

Take a clean towel and fold just to cover the cake.

Roll the cake along the short side leaving the towel inside, and let the cake cool. (If the cake hardens you will not break it so easily.)

Unroll the cool cake and remove the towel.

Cover the cake thinly (about 1/2“) with ice cream and berries.
Roll it back tight leaving the seam at the bottom.

Serve right away.

Serves 4-6.


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"My Beloved Has Gone Down to His Garden," 
by John Melhuish Strudwick
Background design by SilverBerch, copyright © 2000