[To be sung to the tune
of 'The Blood of the Lamb' with
I [Bass drum beaten loudly.]
II [Bass drum slower and softer.]
[Sweet flute music.]
[Bass drum louder.]
[Grand chorus of all instruments.
Tambourines to the
(Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?) But their noise played havoc with the angel-choir. (Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?) O, shout Salvation! It was good to see Kings and Princes by the Lamb set free. The banjos rattled and the tambourines Jing-jing-jingled in the hands of Queens. [Reverently sung, no instruments.]
Darius the Mede was a king
and a wonder.
Danile was the chief hired
man of the land.
Daniel was the butler, swagger
and swell.
Here comes Cain and his wife
Here comes Judas and his silver
His sweetheart and his mother
were Christian and meek.
He said:--"Your Daniel is
a dead little pigeon.
And she was a golden lily
in the dew.
And she prayed to the Lord:--
King Darius said to the lions:--
Thus roared the lions:--
Here the audience roars Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr And Daniel did not frown,
He kept on looking at the
The audience sings this with the leader, in the old negro tune. "Go chain the lions down,
And Gabriel chained the lions,
I. THEIR BASIC SAVAGERY Fat black bucks in a wine-barrel
A deep rolling bass. Pounded on the table,
More deliberate. Solemnly chanted. CUTTING THROUGH THE FOREST
A rapidly piling climax of speed & racket. And "BLOOD" screamed the whistles
and the fifes of the warriors,
With a philosophic pause. From the mouth of the Congo
Shrilly and with a heavily accented metre. Foam-flanked and terrible.
Like the wind in the chimney. Burning in Hell for his hand-maimed
All the "O" sounds very golden. Heavy accents very heavy. Light accents very light. Last line whispered. And all of the other
II. THEIR IRREPRESSIBLE HIGH SPIRITS Wild crap-shooters with a whoop and a call Rather shrill and high. Danced the juba in their gambling-hall
Read exactly as in first section. CUTTING THROUGH THE FOREST
Lay emphasis on the delicate ideas. Keep as light-footed as possible. A minstrel river
With pomposity. Through the agate doorway
in suits of flame,
With a great deliberation & ghostliness. With a stern cold glare, and
a stern old song: --
With overwhelming assurance, good cheer, and pomp. Came the cake-walk princes
in their long red coats,
With growing speed and sharply marked dance-rhythm Coal-black maidens with pearls
in their hair,
The cake-walk royalty then
With a touch of negro dialect, and as rapidly as possible toward the end. And sang with the scalawags
prancing there: --
Slow philosophic calm. That made those glowering witch-men smile. III. THE HOPE OF THEIR RELIGION A good old negro in the slums of the town Heavy bass. With a literal imitation of camp-meeting racket, and trance. Preached at a sister for her
velvet gown.
Exactly as in the first section. Begin with terror and power, end with joy. CUTTING THROUGH THE FOREST
Sung to the tune of "Hark, ten thousand harps and voices." Never again will he hoo-doo
Then along that river, a thousand miles With growing deliberation and joy. The vine-snared trees fell
down in files.
In a rather high key -- as delicately as possible. A million boats of the angels
To the tune of "Hark, ten thousand harps and voices." Never again will he hoo-doo
Redeemed were the forests,
the beasts and the men,
Dying down into a penetrating, terrified whisper. "Mumbo-Jumbo will hoo-doo